Tuesday 2 October 2012

Use of Women roles in the Science Fiction world

Women are seen in many different ways and used in different ways within the Science Fiction world, sometime used in the main protagonists or as an object for the main protagonist to reach. Throughout the years there have been many films and TV series in which women have been used as the main protagonists and not seen as the damsel in distress.
  • The Princess or Sex Icon, there are many uses of women being the sex icon for the heroes of the film to win. In almost every film there is a woman who is acting as the princess to be saved from the villain and saves the day in order to win the woman. Such as 'Michaela Banes' in 'Transformers' and 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' and also 'Leia Organa' from the early 'Star Wars' films.

  • There have been more substantial roles in which women have filled in very successfully such as the heroes in some action and most Science Fiction films where they aren't so helpless. most Science Fiction films are given a female protagonist because it would help contrast the actual film and are also used as a male gaze to give the film more credit. this has been used many times very well such as 'Ellen Ripley' from the 'Alien' Franchise and also 'Alice' from the 'Resident Evil' Franchise.

  • But as easily as there are roles for women to fill in as the sex icon and to be very feminine, they can also be shown as being very masculine, even more so than some of the men in some movies. this can has been shown in 'Aliens' with 'Pvt Vasquez' the marine with a very bad mood and an even scarier bark. Apart from the women being seen as the Sex icon and sometimes the muscle women can be easily used to be shown as the brains and the spy in the film such as in the 'Iron Man' series with 'Pepper Potts'.

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