Thursday 18 October 2012

How the Women are Viewed in Their Texts

Chiana (Farscape, Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars)
Chiana is viewed as the child within the text, because she is the youngest but also because she is the most reckless within the whole crew in the series. In the series it takes Chiana a long time to get along with everyone on Moya and to actually create a mutual relationship with the other crew members. Although one of the last characters to be brought into the text, she took the least amount of time to create relationships with everyone else on the ship. Relating closely to Rygel on the fact that they are sometime not reliable and would do some things on the basis it maybe beneficial to themselves. But we also are given a more meaningful relationship of Chiana with D'Argo, a much older man who we would think would not be into Chiana at all given the fact he has a son.

Some of the times within the series we forget that Chiana is essentially still a teenager with people who are a lot older than her, doing this creates a lot of enigmas of Chiana showing that we don't know much about her. In the all of the episodes with Chiana shown we are always given a little bit where Chiana will flirt with someone and get close to them creating a Male Gaze moment which would help into getting people into watch the series and creating quality for the programme.

Ellen Ripley (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection)
In the Alien franchise Ellen Ripley's character changes from film to film. In the first film Ellen is seen as being the tactician in survival, mostly because of how she is able to survive through the whole film even when she has run ins with the Xenomorph. With this she gets instant respect for Ellen because of her being able to kill the mass murdering Xenomorph and doing it when she is in her underwear. This helps to create a male gaze for the movie to bring in more people to watch it.

When in Aliens Ellen is still seen as the woman who cant die, this is shown on multiple occasion were she is able to kill a Xenomorph without being injured at all whereas the hardened veteran marines are being killed off one by one and some are just surviving by the skin of their teethes  Half way through the film Ellen starts to take on the mother role when she comes into contact with Newt, this is something we haven't seen in Ellen, this is created stronger when Newt is kidnapped and then is going to be killed by the Xenomorph Queen and then there was the most iconic quote off any Science Fiction film, 'Get Away From Her You Bitch!'.

Essentially Ellen Ripley is portrayed as being the main heroin in the franchise and portrayed as one of the most resourceful women in the whole of cinema history. Ellen Ripley is one of the most iconic women in general to be recognized.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Use of Women roles in the Science Fiction world

Women are seen in many different ways and used in different ways within the Science Fiction world, sometime used in the main protagonists or as an object for the main protagonist to reach. Throughout the years there have been many films and TV series in which women have been used as the main protagonists and not seen as the damsel in distress.
  • The Princess or Sex Icon, there are many uses of women being the sex icon for the heroes of the film to win. In almost every film there is a woman who is acting as the princess to be saved from the villain and saves the day in order to win the woman. Such as 'Michaela Banes' in 'Transformers' and 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' and also 'Leia Organa' from the early 'Star Wars' films.

  • There have been more substantial roles in which women have filled in very successfully such as the heroes in some action and most Science Fiction films where they aren't so helpless. most Science Fiction films are given a female protagonist because it would help contrast the actual film and are also used as a male gaze to give the film more credit. this has been used many times very well such as 'Ellen Ripley' from the 'Alien' Franchise and also 'Alice' from the 'Resident Evil' Franchise.

  • But as easily as there are roles for women to fill in as the sex icon and to be very feminine, they can also be shown as being very masculine, even more so than some of the men in some movies. this can has been shown in 'Aliens' with 'Pvt Vasquez' the marine with a very bad mood and an even scarier bark. Apart from the women being seen as the Sex icon and sometimes the muscle women can be easily used to be shown as the brains and the spy in the film such as in the 'Iron Man' series with 'Pepper Potts'.